Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Escapees Rainbow Plantation - Summerdale, Alabama

PFR *****
Camground *****

This is our 2nd time here.  The last time was 2 years ago.  We have a MUCH nicer site this time. It doesn't have any trees for shade, so we have great satellite reception, no acorns, and great grass.  The site is VERY large.  Plenty of room for all 7 of our pens.  The site is also pretty level.  While we don't have shade during the day or afternoon, we do get nice shade in the evening from a neighboring tree.

They actually had put us in site 85 when we arrived, but it had just dirt and acorns, like 79 did.  I saw that 86 was not occupied, so I went up and asked if we could move, and they let us move. 

Site #86
Length of stay 13 days
$3/day extra for 50 amp 
Satellite - All 3

October 19, 2016

We had a nice wide, level site, with a huge oak tree, but the angle of the site, the tree did  not give much shade.  One downside was that most of the dog yard was sand, with very little grass.  Also, it was Fall, so the acorns were falling!  When we got here, the site was mostly covered with them.  Normally, we would only hear one fall now & then, but one night it was really windy, and it sounded like it was raining.  They made a lot of noise.  I had to use a broom to sweep them out of the dog yard.  Harvey and a couple of others liked eating them.  They didn't seem to bother them.

No cable, but have several OTA channels, including MeTV.  No wifi.

The people are SUPER nice here, and they all love the dogs.  We have people coming by all the time to see them.

Site #79
Length of stay - 1 month + 9 days
$340/month + electric

Site 86

Site 86

Site 86

Site 86

Site 79

Site 79

Acorns Site 79

Acorns that I swept out of the dog yard Site 79

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